Friday 27 February 2009

Got some storyboards

Well, looks like Calculated Killer is finally wrapped up nice and tidy. In the interest of comparing the finished product to the storyboards that were made to plan it, principally drawn by your truly with group consultation, I'm posting all six brief pages of the necessary shots here. It's interesting to see how similar some shots were created by, and how different most of the others turned out in the end. But it's almost inevitable that that would be the case.

(Click images to enlarge them)

Friday 20 February 2009


Well, we finally managed to film, edit and score our entire opus in a respectable window of time. Seriously, it's all done. We've shaved off the crap bits, hazed out the sound errors and set the whole two-minute spiral of madness to some GarageBand-borne beats that almost took as much creative interest as the project itself. The resulting opening, which works like a bizarre short film but luckily leaves enough of an enigma not to be totally disowned as an opening at all, is actually pretty satisying. I use the word actually as it's no secret that I didn't expect the most out of our media film. Such previous endeavours as Darkwood and The Curse of El Bellendo had me convinced that perhaps we were doomed to failure amongst our forays into the cinematic world. Thankfully Calculated Killer (Alright, I lied about =(B12)*MURDER) actually seems at lest 3/4 decent. I'll be uploading some extra DVD-esque production material later on when I can rouse my carcass from the bed/computer chair for more than two minutes. Peace out.